Spirituality is not about holding on to beliefs lightly or tightly. When I hold on to my beliefs tightly I am unable to evolve into a more complex thought and  I arrogantly believe that everyone should believe as I do. When I hold my beliefs  lightly, I facilitate the process of transformation within myself and appreciate other’s perspectives or points-of-view, even if they may not be mine. Every aspect of the spiritual path is governed by a set of beliefs and so spirituality is not about getting rid of beliefs. It is about my holding them lightly so I can be transformed daily by the evolution of my true self.
~ Adapted


A spirit being that is vulnerable, seeks support and strength from outside of itself. Vulnerability is not cosmic spirituality.

Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan

 The spiritual path – is  the journey of living our lives. We are all on a spiritual path.  Most of us  just don’t realize it.
~ Adapted

That which I persist in doing appears to come easier with time.

I have come to realize that it is not the task that has become easier.

Rather, it is my ability to perform the task that has brought about improvement.

(Adapted from Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882)

I am sorry, thank you, please and may I

Belong to all ages and creed.

They make the world a polite place to live in.

Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan

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