The fact that I do not remember any of my past life’s  experiences is no proof of me not being here before

In this present life I have engaged myself in many activities

And there are many I can’t recall

Yet, I do exist

Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan



I will not be engrossed in the happenings around me

I will not be fearful of wars

Rumors of wars

Economic catastrophe or 

Natural disasters

I will channel my energy into my spiritual evolution

I realize that if, as a people, we collectively seek to make ourselves better

We will not be overcome by wars

Natural disasters or 

Economic down turn

Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan


If I focus on the undesirable energies around me

If I allow myself to be traumatized by global events

I lose sight of my spiritual purpose

The energy I need to evolve is generated into fear

And I die

Although living

Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan



If I seek revenge who is it that is profited?

If I allow myself to be enthralled by fear

In which corner does courage lies?

And when I die

Numbed by the threat of looming disasters

Who lives?

Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan


I always thought

‘I cannot change the world’

And then it dawned on me

If as a people we all decide to change ourselves

We would have changed the world!

And I would have made a valuable contribution towards this end

Let me focus on changing me

Changing the world actually starts with changing me

Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan

Pick up your copy of Get High on Life Here

Pick up Your copy of In the Rocking Chair here

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