Free Lessons Guides: Consciousness and Awareness Development

Free Lesson Guides - Think Big Life Coach CentreWelcome to our free lesson guides section.

Tell me how I can become what I have learnt without practice. Tell me how to change my world without changing my thoughts. Tell me how to live that life I know nothing of. Tell me how to reach my highest heights of wellbeing without having to extend myself an inch. Tell me how to embrace what is new without anxiety and discomfort. Tell me how to reach for that which is truly me without knowing who I truly am. (Think Wellness Free Lesson Guides)

Think Wellness has a holistic approach to health and wellness. This approach extends beyond herbal remedies to include a critical look at the client’s belief system. Is the belief system empowering or confining? Will the belief liberate or imprison the individual? Could the belief system be the cause of ill-health? Will the belief system adversely impact what herbal remedies seek to achieve?

Our beliefs ‘dictate’ to our brain how we should perceive our experiences and the events in our external world. Our belief determine what we perceive as true and what should be deemed as false. But more importantly, in the absence of grounding beliefs, there is a feeling of disempowerment, disorientation, a lack of direction, purpose and sense making and possibly depression. Research suggests that our interpretation of our experiences and external world can literally affect how our body functions. This means the biochemistry of our body is closely associated with what we believe.  Our belief determines the secretion or lack of secretion of hormones and other biological activities.

This is why Think Wellness adopts a holistic approach that does more than administer herbal remedies. Medical conditions may persist after herbal support if the root cause of the condition is a dysfunctional belief system.

In this section of the website, we present to you some information (our free lesson guides), that will assist you, our clients, in creating functional and empowering beliefs. Belief is always a choice. They are not permanent intellectual concepts that are too sacred to dismiss. If a belief or belief system is not contributing to your wellness or assisting you in achieving your desired goal, you have the right to choose or create more empowering beliefs. Our growth and success is determined by our willingness to dismiss dysfunctional beliefs and to adopt those that will make us winners. Let us walk with you on this journey to create functional beliefs.

If you are interested in personal assistance in the creation of empowering beliefs, feel free to contact us.

“Wellness through Knowing”




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