I am’ we’
I am a composite of energy beings
I need to keep in touch with every aspect of me
If I am to grow spiritually
Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan
Doors leading to success opened up to me when I became the law of impermanence
I have a permanent hold on nothing in life
I freely let go all that is material
And as I do so
I realize that what I actually did was create room for more
I am able to embrace greater opportunities
I rise
I do
I explore
I become
I fear nothing!
Becoming the Law of impermanence has assisted me in becoming self governing
Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan
I am the very substance of that which Is
The manifestation of that which Is
The working of the which Is
I am Life and Light
I am movement and stillness
I am the very vibration of that which Is
I evolve into the ultimate that which Is
Inspirational Quote by Victoria Elizabethaan