I agree I cannot change the past
What I can change is my perception of past events
I can
By reason and understanding
Adopt a perspective that allows me to rise above my past failures, hurts, disappointments and mistakes
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I speak more than words
I speak my emotions and my intentions
I speak my love and compassion
I speak harmony and I speak peace
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I can only change when the adverse effects and pain of holding on, becomes greater than my fear of letting go.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
A part of the preparation for me to go,
Is that I must enter into the know.
There is much for me to see
That will change me and make me free.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I am not religious.
I will not serve my desires and emotions
I will constantly be guided by reason and responsibility
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I will face all my uncontrolled desires, my weaknesses and challenges. I will confront them with knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
To know and to understand… how much courage both gives to face a new day!
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
To become cosmic spirituality I must first find the courage to enter into the desert of my loneliness; and change it by a gentle, contemplative, persistent effort, into a garden of enriching solitude.
The choices I make in life have ecological, physiological, social, and spiritual consequences. I have decided to re-examine some of my deeply held notions, desires and emotions that governs my lifestyles. I will make the needful changes based on a mental concept of oneness and well being founded on reason and responsibility.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
Pick up your copy of Get High on Life Here
Pick up Your copy of In the Rocking Chair here
I cannot say I am spiritual and not religious unless I am a self governing being
I cannot be truly self governing unless what underlies my choice of lifestyle is reason and responsibility
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
Unless I embrace spirituality in totality
Unless I allow it to bring the all into one within me
Unless I allow the full emergence of my true self
Unless I allow my true self to be immersed in the light of the cosmic consciousness
Transforming my beliefs and relationships
I cannot lift my authentic self to its true unity with the all and
There is no salvation for me.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I will allow nothing else into our relationship but that which enriches and empowers us both.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
Spirituality is more than knowing a set of beliefs. It is experiencing those beliefs in a way that facilitates growth.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
Pick up your copy of Get High on Life Here
Pick up Your copy of In the Rocking Chair here
The fact that I am not experiencing something does not mean it does not exist. Neither does it mean I am not having an impact on that which I perceive to not experience.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
It is when I am spiritually awakened that I will be able to fully govern my ego. To be spiritually awakened means I am both enlightened and empowered.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
My spiritual awakening is an awakening to the reality of who I was, who I am and who I should be.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
When I define myself according to the material, I find I am unable to soar according to the immaterial. I will redefine myself. I will no longer be defined by my earthly possessions, achievements or relationships. I seek to be defined by my inner qualities.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
My spiritual awakening is an inner transformation with an outer manifestation.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
My thirst for a spiritual awakening has caused me to willingly surrender to a life of continuous transformation until that final state is reached where I govern my affairs according to reason and responsibility.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I am open to suggestions. Not because I consider myself silly, incapable and lacking;
But because I consider myself full of wisdom.
I am smart.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I know I need to do things differently; whenever I feel enslaved by, or addicted to anything in life.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I have come to accept Enlightenment as a destructive process. While it has to do with me becoming better, happier and complete. I have to first crucify me. I have to die the death of a religious/self consciousness. I have to bury my consciousness entrenched in separateness, dominated by feelings and governed by external laws.Then I must arise. I must be resurrected to oneness, dominated by thought, reflection, consideration and reason. And I must be control and governed from within.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
In my religious consciousness I thought someone needed to die for me … to be crucified and resurrected. It had to be … because if I lay my life down there is no way I would be able to retrieve it.
Now I realize, if I do not die, I will not experience the resurrection to a new life. I happily die daily. Nailing myself to the cross of all selfish and spiritually dividing thoughts.
Now I live!
But it is the Christ that lives in me.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou)
I will strive at all times to make my fellow men feel glorious by me constantly offering enrichment and empowerment.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I will make every effort to change the things I do not like about me. And the things I cannot change, I will embrace through a change of my attitude towards them.
(An adaptation of Maya Angelou)
I will allow myself to feel my anger
But I will channel the energy generated by anger in meaningful ways.
I have to let it flow
If I do not let it flow along a constructive path
I will be burned as much as those close and dear to me.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I must undergo spiritual metamorphosis
I must shed my past,
Over and over again
I must shed my thoughts and thinking
Over and over again
I must shed my reasoning
Over and over again
I must shed my attitude
Over and over again
I must continue to change until I arrive at that final state considered completeness.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I must first be my own lamp
My own saviour
My own refuge
My own guide
I must first be my own book
My own poem
My own song
My own pledge
I must become a constant before I can truly be of help to my fellowmen.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I am ‘we’
I am the first community I see
I extend myself into my community
I seek to make a difference in my community
I seek harmony in my community
I seek creativity, richness in words and deed
I seek understanding and I seek to be free
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
Pick up your copy of Get High on Life Here
Pick up Your copy of In the Rocking Chair here
The path I seek is not in the seas or the oceans
The path I seek is not in the sky
The path I seek is not along the river
Or the road that takes me through the mountains
The path I seek is within me
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I take full responsibility for what happen to me as a result of choices I have made. I will not blame the sun, the moon, the sky or the weather.
And good heavens!
I will not blame you.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
I seek to become self governing by embracing freedom and responsibility.
I recognize my errors and make every effort to correct them.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
As an individual who embraces freedom and responsibility
I recognize my inadequacies.
I change those I can
And learn to work with those I cannot change.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
Pick up your copy of Get High on Life Here
Pick up Your copy of In the Rocking Chair here
I take personal responsibility for my education.
I organize myself
Have set study times
Eat right
And above all, be attentive to what is being taught.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
As a self governing individual I have come to realize that whatever I have broken I can fix.
I therefore seek to mend the relationships I have broken.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan
As a self governing individual,
I recognize that the way I treat the environment will directly impact my health and well being.
I do not conserve because I am poor.
I conserve because it is the wise thing to do.
I do not dispose of usable cars, clothes, furniture and appliances just so that I can be numbered among those boasting the latest style or model.
I seek to reduce what goes into the land fill.
I know that if we do not reduce what goes int the land fill
Soon we will all be living in the land fill.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan

The Law of Attraction is indiscriminate
Anything my heart desires I can achieve
No thought is given to whether what I desire works in favor of my well-being or not.
It is my self-governance that dictates what works in favor of my well being
While I cannot change the Law of Attraction
I can become self-governing so as ensure it works in my favour – for my well being
In this way, I master the Law of Attraction in my life.
Short Inspirational Quotes By Victoria Elizabethaan