The Infinite Source: How This Belief Impacts Personal Development

Are you a part of an infinite source? Do you know that your belief regarding the Source has a direct impact on your personal development?

Where did I come from and where am I going? The answer to this question can be imprisoning or liberating. How we perceive the source from which everything emanates can be empowering or limiting. For some, the source is a finite being who watches our every move and ‘rains’ down judgment at the slightest movement we make that is considered out of line. Such a belief regarding the Source causes anxiety and fear. But this belief not only gives birth to fear, it limits our ingenuity and our wanting to be adventurous. In short, it impacts our wellness and ability to create.

There is another view that may be considered, and which is much more liberating. According to one prominent writer “We live and move and have our existence in the Source’. This view suggests that there is an aspect of the Source in every one of us.  Every life form has its existence in the Source. The Source supports all. And the source enriches all.

The Source is very often described as infinite – in time and space. Infinity in distance or space suggests limitless, without boundary, unable to measure, encompassing all. Since nothing can exists outside of infinity, the word infinity `connotes oneness.The Source … being infinite … is therefore one. There is nothing outside of the Source. There is no goodness or badness. All that exists just exists!

The Source is conscious, and views itself from within itself. The Source is able to view itself from within Itself because within It lies innumerable units or life forms and every unit is a manifestation of the Source. This concept of the Source. encourages the individual to explore deeper depths and higher heights of the cosmos without fear. Because all that is, is a part of the Source.

Not only is the Source infinite in space, the Source is infinite in time as well.  Infinity in time suggests that there is no beginning or end; (or the beginning is at the end which makes the Source cyclical). There is nothing that existed before, or will exist after the Source. This continuity of the Source gives us a sense of continuity and eliminates the fear of death. While it does not suggests that we live on as the person we know ourselves to be, it does suggests that there is a part of us that continues to exists since there is an aspect of the Source within every one of us.

Since the Source is infinite, all information belongs to and is a part of the Source. And if all information is owned by the Source, the Source owns all power. Power comes through knowing and knowing comes through the acquisition of information. This view encourages the client to willingly pursue  information to gain knowledge and to empower themselves.


Self Reflection

  • Can an object possessing a form be described as infinite? Explain.
  • What is your personal understanding of the word infinite
  • In what way can the Source view Itself from within Itself
  • How do you see an acceptance of the Source as ‘one’ affecting your relationship with others and nature?
  • Surface five (5) statements in regards to what you have learnt from this lesson. Begin with ‘What I learn from this lesson is …’
  • Did this lesson trigger within you any feeling of discomfort, anger, confusion or affirmation? Explain.
  • ACTION PLAN: This lesson has caused me to decide to take the following action towards myself, others and nature…

Prepared by Think Wellness.


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