Are you in need of a spiritual gathering that makes a difference? This is the spiritual assembly you do not want to miss!
If you seek freedom from doubt and fear. If you have gotten to that point where nothing makes sense and you are flooded with questions that no one seem to know the answers. This is the place for you. We are your cutting edge Online Spiritual Assembly (OSA!).
I had gotten to that point in my religious experience where my spirit began to cry out for more nourishment but the religious medium had nothing else to offer. I was very active in the organization. I was a pastor’s wife, youth group coordinator, coordinator of the inner city youth mentoring program, pre- and post marital counselling coach and I was the primary writer of Sabbath lessons for the youth and children’s department. I guess many would think that I had it all but I did not. My soul needed more.

OSA! The cutting edge Online Spiritual Assembly
To complicate matters, there were the many questions that constantly impacts my inner self; and which my faith could not answer. For example, my consciousness could no longer reconcile the God put forward by Apostle Paul with the God of the Old Testament. I could not understand how an Infinite Supreme being walked in a garden. I could not appreciate the fact that God had favorites, was sorry that he made man and was inconsistent in His behavior. My religious unrest took me on a long journey that ended in my spiritual awakening and the birth of Think Big Life Coach Center which is now proud to make a contribution to the advancement of the human consciousness through Online Spiritual Assembly (OSA!).
Online Spiritual Assembly is for those of us whose spirit can no longer appreciate the religious paradigms of duality and paradoxes. We can no longer appreciate the world from a phenomenon of black and white, sin and righteousness. Where religion perceives two, Online Spiritual Assembly perceives One. Where religion sees righteousness and sin, Online Spiritual Assembly sees growth and regression taking place in the whole.
Online Spiritual Assembly is held when ever we have a number of individuals registered. The program comprises twelve sessions. The objective of Online Spiritual Assembly is to assist you in an understanding of the interconnectedness of everything, and the part you play in the whole. Many unanswered questions will be finally answered. And many things that appear confusing will be made clear.
Online Spiritual Assembly brings you into the ‘know’ in such a way that you no more are angered by societal ills. Instead, awakened within you is a passion to help and to actively create your own destiny . While wars and conflicts sometimes make you sad, you are no longer disgusted by people’s state of being. You are able to meet people where they are without being judgmental, because you are more concerned about making an indelible contribution to moving the consciousness up and along the consciousness gradient.
Online Spiritual Assembly empowers you to be autonomous and to become an agent of change. And this change begins with you. The manifestations of your transformed inner self becomes the witness for those who seek the empowerment and self-mastery that only resides in the cosmic thought of oneness.
OSA! is the Online Spiritual Assembly specifically geared at taking the consciousness of humanity into a higher dimension. OSA! is the cutting edge of Online Spiritual Assembly. If you are interested in OSA! contact us today.