Auto Suggestion: The Road to Transformation

Auto SuggestionPersonal development and self-esteem. This Auto Suggestion lesson focuses on the most important prerequisite to achieve a heightened self-esteem and personal development. It outlines knowledge that forms a part of Think Big Coaching Academy personal development coaching and self-esteem coaching.

‘Let these commands of mine dwell within your emotional consciousness.

Teach them diligently to your children. Repeat them always. Repeat them when you are sitting in your house, when you are walking along the road, when you go to lie down and when you are getting up.


Let them influence what you do and how you think.’


When we were young spirit beings, we were taught the power of repetition by the gods of the lower realm. And although we never quite internalize the message, cosmic spirituality demands that we do. There can be no transformation without us internalizing the power of repetition. The power must work from the inner to the outer. True power comes from within. When we depend on external forces for help we are weak.

Auto Suggestion

Auto suggestion makes use of the power of repetition. We suggest to ourselves something we need to achieve. It is very important that the emotional mind gets involved in autosuggestion. We must bring our emotional mind to the point where it finds what the higher mind desires as favourable. If the emotional mind does not find that which is desired as favourable, there will be inner conflict and that which is desired will not be achieved. We will be able to conform to that which we desire. But conforming is imprisoning. It is transformation that brings about a spirit of liberation.

Auto suggestion, when approached meditatively, changes our energy vibration, aligning our frequency with the frequency of that which we seek.

  • Identify a quality you wish to become
  • Engage yourself in Meditative Autosuggestion (MAS) to become that quality.
  • Did this lesson trigger within you any feeling of discomfort, anger,  confusion or affirmation? Explain.
  • Complete the following statement five (5) times. ‘What I learn today is…’
  • ACTION PLAN: This lesson has caused me to decide to take the following action towards myself, others and nature…

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