A Systematic Approach to Cosmic Spirituality Meet-up Group Work


An individual demonstrating an advanced consciousness is one who is desirous of self-mastery and self governance.  The main theme for cosmic spirituality group is self-governance. Within everyone of us lie a unique ‘DNA’ of the Infinite Existence. And this unique DNA confers on us our purpose and the meaning we contribute to life.


Mission Statement:

 All cosmic spiritual groups exist to help individuals become self-mastered/self-governing beings by developing spiritual qualities (i.e. cosmological intent and purpose).


Vision Statement:

 There is strength in unity. We grow faster together than we do individually. Cosmic spirituality meetup group will heighten the consciousness of individuals through support and encouragement. The aim of the group is to facilitate the spiritual transformation of its members, so they become self-mastered/self-governing individuals who conducts all their affairs according to reason and responsibility.

Belief Statement:

 Cosmic spirituality meetup groups are formed because we believe that there is an emergent consciousness that crave self-direction.



 A facilitated teaching/learning group work technique is used. The technique encourages discussion, incorporating all group members. Group members are encouraged to seek from within for answers and solutions. Group activities include but are not limited to:

    • Analyzing the elements of thought presented in various topics and subject areas,
    • Assessing how the information impacts the individual, relationships and the cosmos,
    • Planning of activities that will allow group members to practice the new thought,
    • Assessment of group events,
    • Assessment of cosmic spirituality group meetup effectiveness


Individual’s activities include but are not limited to:

    • Accomplishing reading assignments,
    • Reflecting on reading assignment so as to allow for the expansion of the thought or subject matter within themselves. (An individual who did their reflection has more to contribute to the group discussion.)
    • Engage in Meditative Auto Suggestion (MAS), to begin to emotionalize the new thought,
    • Commit and practice to become the thought
    • Personal assessment of their spiritual growth


Facilitator’s activities include but are not limited to:

    • Plan group events in a way that makes the best use of the allotted time,
    • Do final assessment of the group event before the event is undertaken; paying special attention to the objective of the event and whether the objective will be met,
    • Documentation of calendar planning
    • Final assessment of meetup effectiveness
    • Ensuring that all events have adequate funding


NOTE: Group facilitators are paid as psycho-spiritual coaches.  A facilitator may opt to work with more than one group, but it is advisable that the maximum membership of each group be maintained at 25.



 Reading is a must for group members. (The book may be supplied as an audio file.) The method used is called DEED (Dis-create, Equip, Empower, Dispatch) because the program is a consciously designed intention.


The first task for a cosmic spiritual meetup group is to facilitate the unlearning of the thought process of the previous state of the consciousness in order to reprogram the individual with the cosmic thought.  This calls for much discussion and analyzing of the previous state of the consciousness. Cosmic spirituality does not focus on conforming to laws, rules and rituals. Cosmic spirituality focuses on transformation. It is about becoming that law of oneness upon which the higher principle is founded. The book provided to assist with this task is ‘The Revelation of the Eternal Realm Workbook’.

This book is available as a workbook from Think Big Life Coach Center.

It is the facilitators responsibility to assess each group member to develop an understanding as to the state of the consciousness at which they presently operate. This will assist with designing effective assignments. The facilitator may need to work individually with some group members as well.


The second task is equipping the group with salient elements of the cosmic thought process. The book supplied to assist with this is ‘Beyond Religiosity’. This is a workbook with numerous assignments that should be done outside of the group formal sessions and then be discussed as a group.


 The third task is empowerment. At this stage the individual spends much time alone in Meditative Auto Suggestion (MAS). There are many quotes supplied on this site to assist with this stage of spiritual becoming; as well as books such as, ‘Get High on Life’ and ‘In the Rocking Chair’.

To be fully equipped, enroll in my cosmic psycho-spiritual coaching program.

NOTES: Cosmic spirituality meetup groups make full use of quotes. Quotes are short pointed or focused messages that impacts the subconscious. They are therefore very easy to become a part of the individual’s life.


Dispatch It is time to send your group members off to lead a purposeful self-governing life. The individual may choose to be a part of the cosmic spiritual association. The association does not have a limitation on numbers. And activities such as dinners, dance, games evening, talent exposures, discussions etc. are planned at this level. A facilitator is selected for the association every year. Since most members of the association are functioning adult spirit beings, the structure and function of the association is left up to the association to decide on.  

Attributes of Self-Governance

    •  An advanced understanding of the self
    • Predictability/reliability: In ‘The Revelation of the Eternal Realm Workbook’  we refer to this attribute as becoming a constant. There can be no trust in the absence of predictability and reliability.
    • Oneness: Oneness allows for humility and eradicates jealousy and fierce competitiveness. It promotes generosity as well since helping others is helping myself. Oneness recognizes that we are all a part of the Life Giving Force although our roles and functions may differ. We therefore honor the individuality and freewill in others and refrain from downgrading anyone’s role or talents.
    • Realism: An acceptance of the cosmos as is and without being judgmental and aligning one’s entire life in accordance with its principles.
    • Optimism, recognizing that the evolutionary stage of the cosmic cycle allows you the opportunity to create and dis-create as you desire. You can achieve the greatest height simply by reaching out and grasping the thought.
    • Forgiveness: Not only does forgiveness frees us and makes us healthier; it also contributes to the spirit of oneness. We forgive because we all are subjects of conscious emergence. Our spiritual awareness may be more advanced. But this is simply because we have already traversed the degree at which others are operating. We therefore extend compassion and empathy. We know that revenge, resentment and retaliation are energy suckers. They dim our light, block our life force energy and reduce the power we have to exercise dominion. We can get angry. And we can take action. But all must be done in accordance with the knowledge that exists on the higher plain.
    • Intention: Responsibility means you have the ability to act independently in a knowledgeable manner. But true responsibility calls for more than knowledge. Responsibility means you have made a choice, you are committed to the choice, you are focused on your choice, you are practicing your choice and you bring forth that choice into reality.
    • Change: During the evolutionary stage of the cosmos, everything is subjects of change. Live in anticipation of change. Your body changes. Your spirit changes. Your friends change. Your house and car change. The universe is changing. Expect changes.  We cannot grow and remain the same.
    • Since everything around us is changing, we must exercise dominion over our spiritual change or transformation. If we are not conscious of the process of inner evolution, regression sets in. We will find ourselves reliving the old past.



Spiritual Concepts

 The following spiritual concepts assist us in developing the attributes necessary to achieve self-governance.

  • Humanity do not make mistakes. Our actions are directly related to our state of the consciousness. When we reflect on our action, and question our action, we learn more about ourselves; and our awareness is heightened.
  • We believe most of what we believe out of fear – a fear of hell, a fear of being punished by society, a fear of failing, a fear of being called weak, a fear of being endangered, a fear of insecurity and the list goes on. But until we are prepared to face our fears and dis-create them, we will always be held in a belief system enthralled by fear.
  • Those with whom we come in contact are not our enemies. They all provide lessons from which we learn. These lessons assist the evolution of our consciousness.
  • As we grow, we are better able to identify our ego or base soul in action. Growth provides us with opportunities to silence our ego.
  • We are never alone in life. We are constantly being guided by the kingdom of heaven/God/the One/the internal logic of the Self Organizing System that resides in us.
  • Growth requires action. Growth requires change.
  • We are made from the very substance of the Life-Giving Force. We are therefore endowed with Divine abilities.

Prepared by Victoria Elizabethaan. All rights reserved.


Cosmic Spirituality Fellowship

Cosmic Spirituality Meet-Up

Cosmic Spiritual Fellowship fosters community centered living. The main objective of  Cosmic Spirituality meet-up groups is to foster healthy community living among self-governing individuals. The group is considered to be homogeneous in that there is a common objective that unifies the group. Since healthy community living provides an environment in which each individual assumes a sense of responsibility, accountability and authority, the community allows individuals the opportunity to exercise self governance. It also assists group members in developing the social skills needed so as to align themselves with the Law of oneness. Much focus is placed on effective communication, cooperation and coordination.  

A big challenge most cosmic spirituality groups face is longevity. This does not have to be so.


Man and Woman Shaking Hands in Middle of Brown Wooden Table So as to maintain the longevity of the group, there are many teaching-learning activities and assigned tasks. Teaching-learning experiences begins with an understanding of the structure and function of the cosmos. Humanity can never be truly free without the knowledge of the structure and function of the cosmos. Ignorance of the structure and function of the cosmos causes fear and doubt. The Revelation of the Eternal Realm Workbook makes for good individual reading which is then discussed using  spirituality group-work technique. There should be a systematic approach to group work at the onset when the cosmic thought process is being introduced. Activities should engender the cooperation of all members; because it is only when each member perceive a need for other members (as to say interrelated), that the group progresses. It therefore means that group activities must be so structured that each individual has an important part to play. That is, each task or goal is subdivided into sub-task or sub-goals that are assigned to group members who see themselves as responsible and accountable for the realization of the sub-task or sub-goal.  

Fundamental to every cosmic spiritual fellowship is the true understanding of the structure and function of the cosmos. This is the beginning of the enlightening experience.


This does not mean the member in question cannot engage the effort of other group members. In healthy community living there is much sharing, caring, helping, empowering and encouraging.


Cosmic Spirituality Meet-up Group Target

The main criteria for group members are; they have attained or are aspiring for self-governance and they seek to participate in healthy community living. It is the responsibility of the founder/director to ensure that individuals selected are either spiritually awakened or are on the verge of spiritual awakening. A good suggestion is for the director to ensure that every member develop an understanding of the thought process of the higher principle. We have put together an excellent book for you with many inspiring spiritual lessons to facilitate this process. It would be prudent for each group member to have their personal copy of ‘Beyond Religiosity‘ since it is a workbook in which they can make their personal notations.


Cosmic Spirituality Meet-up Group: Group Number

Cosmic Spirituality Meet-Up

So as to encourage the participation of all members, a cosmic spirituality meet up group is more effective if the number is kept at or below twenty five. (There is no set number for a cosmic spiritual fellowship.) If the number is larger, attempts should be made at division so as to create multiple ‘sibling’ groups that may come together for major events.

Each sibling group has its own set of goals/activities and sub-goals/sub-activities that is important for the realization of any planned major events.

Cosmic Spiritual Fellowship: The Role of the Cosmic Spiritual Facilitator/Organizer

Cosmic Spirituality Meet-Up

The cosmic spiritual facilitator/organizer:

  • Moderates group discussions
  • Keep the group task oriented
  • With the assistance of group members, divide each task into sub-tasks and distribute the sub-tasks among members
  • Monitor the progress of task realization and keep the group undated
  • Organize group meditation sessions
  • Evaluate the spiritual goal of the group (all goals must contribute to group members becoming self governing…i.e. leading their life in accordance with reason and responsibility).

Cosmic Spirituality Meet-up Group: Discussion Forums

Group discussion focuses on advancing the human thought process and in doing so, advances the consciousness and awareness.

Think Big has provided lesson guides, inspirational articles, inspirational sayings and inspirational quotes to assist group members in this area. From time to time, we will be suggesting books that will bring individuals into the ‘know’.

Cosmic Spiritual Fellowship: Group Activities

Group activities include but are not limited to:

  • Discussing educational videos of all disciplines
  • Games
  • Doing projects within a specific community such as ‘adopting a road’ project
  • Performing arts programs (especially when there is an option to include multiple groups)
  • Art exhibitions
  • Culinary skills
  • Meditation Exercises

Cosmic Spirituality Meet-up Group: Evaluation of Group Effectiveness

Evaluation is person centered in cosmic spirituality groups. Here are some of the questions individuals may want to ask themselves:

  • How am I progressing
  • Do I possess a good understanding of the structure and function of the universe and by extension the cosmos ?
  • How is my knowledge of the structure and function of the universe assisting me in relating to myself, others, the world, the universe and the cosmos?
  • Am I being effective and efficient at tasks delegated to me?
  • Did I feel like my sub-task was my ‘master’ or was I able to master the task?
  • How do I evaluate my incorporation of other group members?
  • Did I feel a sense of co-dependency or inter-dependency  as I work along with other group members?
  • Did I seek out the knowledge necessary for the task to be excellently accomplished? (Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Cosmic spirituality emphasizes the need for knowledge as an adult spirit should).
  • Was I overwhelmed by the sub-task and if I was, how did I go about resolving the feeling?
  • Did I find myself guilty of dominating/manipulating, seeking more help than was necessary (i.e. freeloading), being a stumbling block to the progress of the task, seeking status or recognition? (Adult spirit beings must learn to live as unidirectional and unilateral streamers).
  • Did I need the end result to be organized and neat so I took on more than was delegated?
  • Did I trust other group members to effectively and efficiently accomplish their sub-task?

Individual may opt to discussing their self evaluation with the group and get their input as to suggestions that will enhance healthy community living.

We do hope that this information was beneficial. Happy community- centered living! And remember our drive is ‘Save Humanity‘ as we seek to take ourselves into another spiritual dimension.

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